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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Have a Heart to Read

           I love reading, whether it is English novel, inspirational books, magazines etc.  As others would say, it takes you to others places, may it be your dream place you want to be, or to a totally new, magical, marvelous place. Makes you meet a lot of different people, people you may love or hate, inspired with and never forget.
            There are many things you may benefit or get from reading. It may broaden your vocabulary (though I admit most of the time I don’t have a dictionary beside me when I read).
            Let me share to you few of my favorite books/magazines that I’ve read.
-The Power of Apology

-The Harry Potter Book Series by Joan Kathleen Rowling
            I admit I’m not a huge fan before in high school of Harry Potter. I’ve watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in big screen but that didn’t make me a fan right away. Not when my cottage mate luckily has a complete book series of this ‘spellbinding national bestseller’ novel. Though I have always been curios of the sequels of the movie, I’ve learned to love each character when I started reading it. And since I wasn’t able to watch the sequel of the first movie, reading the Chamber of Secrets up to Order of the Phoenix make me feel that I also did. The Order of the Phoenix is when I realized I have loved the witty, adventurous, funny, genius twins, Fred and George Weasley who played by Oliver and James Phelps in the movie. And yes, I cried when Sirius Black ‘sank backward through the ragged veil hanging from the arch… as he fell through the ancient doorway and disappeared behind the veil’. I wasn’t able to borrow the last two books but because of my I.T friend, I was able to get a copy of the Half Blood Prince and the last two parts of the emotional and heartwarming ending of the epic magical movie.

-Joyfully Single by Dr. Harold Sala
            Well, the title may sound hopeless to have a romantic relationship with the opposite sex but this book helps on how to win over loneliness, develop self-worth, handle expectations of others, and discerning God’s will in making big decisions. It is about knowing contentment, peace and fulfillment-NOW.
            I got this book when we had our field trip in Davao City (and this is where I got the webpage name of my blog). Though this book is intended for those men or women who have ‘the gift’ of singleness, this is also for those young gents and ladies who may have been hurrying to be in a relationship or to get married. We may be single right now but while waiting for the man/woman God intended for us (if that is His will for you) we must live and wait believing that God has still control of us.
            ‘Think of all the messes that God may have kept you from when all of the time you thought He was indifferent to you and your situation.’
            ‘Much of the time God’s working in our lives is subdued and quiet.’

-What to do until Love finds you by Michelle McKinney Hammond
            If the Joyfully Single talks most for those ‘gifted one’, this book is about those folks who felt they don’t have the gift. Its target readers are those teenagers and above (maybe up to 20 something who are waiting for their Knight in Shining Armor).
            ‘When the man of your dreams comes, will he recognize you?’
            Michelle McKinney Hammond shares here important insights and practical tips that will help us become a woman we were created to be to prepare us for the special man who will surely come our way when were ready.
            This book help us uncover the secrets to external and internal beauty and a straightforward advice on how to find, develop and maintain a loving relationship, recognize and evaluate potential trouble areas, to know if he’s ’the one’ and to wait joyfully for God’s timing.
            ‘If God considered you lovable enough to give the life of His own Son for you, a mere mortal man showed recognize your worth. Since God loves you, the man in your life should regard you as a ‘pearl of great price’. He should be willing to follow God’s plan and give his all for the precious gift of your affection.’

Lucifer Dethroned by Sharon and William Schnoebelen
            Even one person who has already sold his life to Satan had saved by God, how much those who are not. This book is like a firsthand testimony of a follower of Satan, practicing sorcery, witchcraft and even to the point he was a vampire, the power of prayer by the bank girl had changed and saved his life and now a loyal faithful follower of Christ. The authors who are couple had their journey together on how they got into a deeper and higher ranks in the “society of Satan” even published their certificates or papers like birth certificate with new names. With all the benefits you got for being one of them, they also tackle on the mindset of the unbelievers why they prefer to believed and follow Satan, you would be surprised by their stand.
            You’ll feel the goose bumps as you learn and read their story, experiences and everything that had happened to them. This book tells us that there is nothing impossible with God, if we only believe, follow and live with Him, and how powerful truly the wonder of a prayer.

Reader’s Digest
            “Stories about Life, Advice about Living”
            “Life well shared”
            This is the leading magazine in Asia. It talks about life, gives advices, facts, fun, health, food, money, technology and much more. They features famous celebrity be it an actor, a president, successful chef’s and even comedians. This is when I get the chance to know more the famous Hollywood’s actors and singers like Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, and Mel Gibson. Months after the death of the influential Pope ever, Pope John Paul II, he was featured on this magazine entitled A Pope for All Ages. I also first knew Bethany Hamilton from this magazine, who happened to be a surfer and became famous because of being able to surf again with only one hand left due to an accident that she was bitten by a shark. Have you ever wondered what’s J.K. means of the author of the ‘spellbinding national bestseller novel’ Harry Potter? It’s Joanne Kathleen Rowling!
Anyways my favorite ‘departments’ of this magazine are the Word Power, Quotable quotes, All in a Day’s Work, As Kids See It, Life’s Like That and the RD Challenge.

         I got this love of reading from both of my parents. My mom when she was used to have this longer time to just sit back, she would read. She still does till this time but only for a few minutes. My papa wasn’t able to finish study even high school but he loves to read. We have this encyclopedia at home and during his spare time he reads. He has more knowledge than my sister and I. He also used to have this detailed map of the Philippines. When he doesn’t know something about where and what this 2nd highest peak of mountain is, he pulls a book and search it. My sister also loves to read. When she was in high school, she had a best friend who owns such beautiful novels, and even the latest one like Twilight and etc. My sister was fonder of reading vampire-love stories. She was also into fashion magazines, Vogue, Elle and many more.
          Before, when I was a little younger, I make reading as an excuse from doing the household chores. But later on, I’m starting to like it. It makes me feel brighter to know some stuff. It also works my imagination, fall in love with the character or applies this new learning into my life to be a better person and I also want to share this to others. Some of the books here were already shared to those people I want to learn about love, relationship, and the battle against good and evil. But I not saying I am really that good though ha, ha, ha. I made this to somehow inspire other people to read, not just whatever magazine; pocketbook is it but informative one. You may be living to a book store nearby and grab a copy to some of this books you may think it’s helpful to you. Just to let you know, I wasn’t being paid by the author or publisher of this books and magazine. Ha, ha, ha, kidding. With how high tech the world is nowadays, it may be hard to others to read a book. But somehow there are some innovations that the kids can now use their laptops or iPod’s and at the same time read their favorite or new interested books, through e-book. But I hope that whether with gadgets or not, everyone would be into reading.


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